First Pres Happenings

South O'Brien School  Staff Luncheon

        Meet and Greet         with Pastor Verlyn

May Family Night

Congratulations and Blessings to our Graduates!!

K-6 Mix

Bible Word of the Week

Sharing a Meal

Learning Together

Mealtime Fun

K-6 Mix Graduates and Leader

Confirmation Sunday - Congratulations and Blessings!!

We enjoyed hosting South O'Brien Jazz Band for a special concert before State Jazz Championship!

Our favorite bass player!

Thank you for joining us for a lovely musical evening! 

Souper Bowl Sunday

Merry Christmas

K-6 Nativity

Christmas Decorating

Making Advent Wreaths

Harvest Dinner

Yummy Food

Church Family Fellowship

October Family Night

We shared supper then heard a story of how God cleans out our yuckiness just like we do with our pumpkins.

Artists at Work

A cheerful heart brings a smile to your face.

Trunk or Treat

South O'Brien High School Football Suppers...

sponsored by the South O'Brien Ministerial Association, hosted at First Presbyterian Church

Presbyterian Youth Fellowship (PYF)